The Chinese Evidence-Based Guideline for the Appropriate Use of Gastric acid Suppressants in Gastrointestinal Surgery

Title: The Chinese Evidence-Based Guideline for the Appropriate Use of Gastric acid Suppressants in Gastrointestinal Surgery
Edition: Original
Classification: Standard guideline
Field: Treatment
Countries and regions: China
Guidelines users: Gastrointestinalsurgeons of various level of hospitals in China
Evidence classification method: This guideline will evaluate and grade the evidence based on the GRADE system
Development unit: ChineseSocietyofUpperGastrointestinalSurgeons\Chinese Gastric Cancer Association
Registration time: 2021-11-30
Registration number: IPGRP-2021CN376
Purpose of the guideline: 1. To comprehensively evaluate the appropriate use of gastric acid suppressants for various indications in gastrointestinal surgery 2. To evaluate the long-term safety of gastric acid suppressants 3. To propose management strategies for patients require long-term use of gastric acid suppressants