Title: EAES Rapid Guideline: Update systematic review, network meta-analysis, CINeMA and GRADE assessment, and evidence-informed European recommendations on the management of common bile duct stones
Edition: Updated
Classification: Rapid advice guideline
Field: Treatment
Countries and regions: Netherlands
Guidelines users: This guideline is intended to be used by general surgeons, gastroenterologists, anesthetists, hospital administrators, policymakers, and patients. The guideline publication will contain a short abstract in plain language to be used by patients.
Evidence classification method: We will develop a rapid guideline in accordance with GRADE, G-I-N and AGREE-S standards. The steering group will consist of general surgeons, members of the EAES Research Committee/Guideline Subcommittee with expertise and experience in evidence outreach and synthesis, including a certified guideline methodologist. The guideline panel will consist of four general surgeons, four gastroenterologists, and a patient representative. Biostatisticians with experience in evidence synthesis and guideline development will perform the statistical analyses. One clinical question will address the use of preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative ERCP, and LCBDE in patients with common bile duct stones without cholangitis or pancreatitis. We will update an existing systematic review with network meta-analysis, and we will summarize results of evidence synthesis in summary of findings tables. We will finalize recommendations through a Delphi process of the guideline panel within a structured evidence-to-decision framework.
Development unit: European Association for Endoscopic Surgery (EAES)
Registration time: 2022-03-25
Registration number: IPGRP-2022CN170
Purpose of the guideline: The objective of this rapid guideline is to provide transparently developed, reliable, and evidence-informed recommendations on the best treatment of choledocholithiasis in patients with uncomplicated choledocholithiasis, i.e. patients without cholangitis or pancreatitis.