Chinese Guideline on Risk Management of Gallstone Disease in the General Public

Title: Chinese Guideline on Risk Management of Gallstone Disease in the General Public
Edition: Original
Classification: Standard guideline
Field: Prevention
Countries and regions: China
Guidelines users: Healthy individuals and high-risk populations for gallstones across different regions and ethnicities nationwide.
Evidence classification method: The evidence included in this guideline is assessed for quality using the GRADE (Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development, and Evaluation) approach, which categorizes evidence quality into four levels: high, moderate, low, and very low. During the process of grading the evidence, there are five factors for downgrading: limitations, imprecision, inconsistency, indirectness, and publication bias, and three factors for upgrading: large effect size, dose-response relationship, and possible confounding factors (negative bias).
Development unit: Chinese Health RIsk MAnagement Collaboration (CHRIMAC)-Gallstone Disease Group
Registration time: 2023-11-27
Registration number: PREPARE-2023CN968
Purpose of the guideline: Gallstone disease is one of the most common gastrointestinal disorders. The prevalence of cholelithiasis worldwide ranges from 10% to 20%, with a male-to-female ratio of about 1:1.25, and has shown an increasing trend in recent years. Gallstones not only lead to acute conditions like acute cholecystitis or cholangitis but can also trigger chronic diseases such as chronic cholecystitis, chronic pancreatitis, and elevate the risk of gallbladder cancer. Due to its high prevalence and substantial disease burden, gallstones have become a significant clinical and public health issue. Therefore, developing and implementing public guidelines for managing gallstone risks holds significant importance in preventing, early diagnosis, and treating gallstones. These guidelines typically encompass various aspects, including assessing gallstone risk factors, lifestyle modifications, dietary advice, medical interventions, and aim to reduce the incidence of gallstones, minimize related complications, and enhance public awareness regarding gallstone prevention and management.