Clinical practice guidelines for blood glucose management in critically ill patients

Title: Clinical practice guidelines for blood glucose management in critically ill patients
Edition: Original
Classification: Standard guideline
Field: Administration
Countries and regions: China
Guidelines users: 1. Medical Personnel: Intensive care unit physicians and nurses, endocrinologists, nutritionists, pharmacists, and other clinical staff involved in glycemic management. These professionals must adhere to the guidelines provided for glucose monitoring methods and management standards to offer specialized diagnostic and treatment services to critically ill patients. 2. Patients: Critically ill patients and their families can better understand and cooperate with the medical staff's treatment plan by learning about the content of the guidelines, participating in self-management, and the decision-making process. 3. Decision makers and administrators: Health administration departments and hospital managers need to be familiar with the contents of the guidelines in order to develop reasonable glycemic management policies and guidance, promoting the standardization and widespread implementation of glycemic management. 4. Medical educators: Teachers in medical schools and instructors in training institutions can utilize the content of the guidelines to provide education and training on glycemic management to medical students and practicing medical personnel.
Evidence classification method: GRADE,JBI
Development unit: Central South University;Xiangya Evidence-based Health Care Research Center, Central South University;Guizhou Provincial People’s Hospital
Registration time: 2024-05-03
Registration number: PREPARE-2024CN608
Purpose of the guideline: The guideline provides a scientific and specific practice protocol for glycemic management, reducing misconceptions during the management process, thereby lowering the risk of complications and optimizing treatment outcomes. Additionally, this guide offers strong evidence support for medical staff facing complex and challenging critical glycemic management scenarios, helping them make more efficient clinical decisions, which further enhances treatment efficacy and patient care quality.