Expert consensus on the management and diagnosis of anastomotic stenosis after esophageal atresia surgery in China

Title: Expert consensus on the management and diagnosis of anastomotic stenosis after esophageal atresia surgery in China
Edition: Original
Classification: Experts consensus
Field: Diagnosis and Treatment
Countries and regions: China
Guidelines users: Pediatric Surgeon
Evidence classification method: GRADE
Development unit: Beijing Children's Hospital, Capital Medical University, National Center for Children's Health
Registration time: 2024-07-09
Registration number: PREPARE-2024CN980
Purpose of the guideline: There is controversy in many aspects regarding anastomotic stenosis after esophageal atresia surgery in China, and there are different perioperative and surgical management plans for patients in different institutions and regions. These treatment plans are mostly based on clinical experience and lack unified standards and evidence support. In addition, the level of clinical research evidence on anastomotic stenosis after esophageal atresia surgery is generally low both domestically and internationally. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a relatively standardized and reliable expert consensus to provide clinical doctors with a management plan that can be followed.